Monday 28 June 2010

Sender's signature as scanned image

There is one email marketing "tradition" I found at my new firm which I am finding strange.

All marketing emails sent from client managers include a .jpg of individuals' scanned signatures.

Apparently, this is supposed to make the email seem "more personal". Well, I am all for personalising communications, but this seems to be a very bizarre way of getting there.

A signature can help make a printed letter or invitation appear more personal, since the sender must have spent at least several seconds physically signing it. It is pretty obvious they didn't do that to the screen version!

I don't think a .jpg of a scanned signature is fooling anyone - especially in the end of of emails that are blatantly one-to-many rather than one-to-one .

Additional crazy aspect is our current email marketing CRM add-on not allowing dynamic content creation - resulting in multiple variants of each template being created manually to incorporate different individual signatures. Madness!

We could really spend our time more efficiently by trying to improve our client segmentation and tailoring email content accordingly. This is what makes email communication truly personal in the end of the day.

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